For some of us gripped by the Skeet shooting bug there comes a point where enthusiasm and £10 notes down the barrels fails to produce the results we crave. So maybe we change chokes, cartridges or even guns but nothing raises our game above the self-imposed plateau .
Of course for most of us the answer is to invest in quality coaching. There are plenty of coaches out there who can show you how to stand , where to hold the gun and when to pull the trigger, but in my opinion that is only the very basics. For myself I needed someone who’s instruction I could trust implicitly, a coach with proven track record as a top level competitor and the ability to pass on that knowledge and experience.
That coach is David Beardsmore , who’s shooting credentials are impeccable and his record as a Skeet coach speaks for itself.
David’s approach to shooting Skeet can only be described as systematic and clinical. Every facet of the shooters routine and technique is broken down, analysed and over a period time if necessary, tiny changes made, until the imperfections in every shot are all but eliminated.
I can wholeheartedly recommend David Beardsmore Shooting to all shooters wishing to improve their game, from the complete novice looking for rapid progress through the classes, to the AA competitor looking for those tiny but important improvements.